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Genesis - The Seed of the Woman

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23 CDs


Genesis– The Seed of the Woman

Pastor Bill Randles


Genesis is the foundational book of the Bible.  God set it first and inserted into it all the essential knowledge needed by all of humanity, such as who we are, where we come from, what is man, who is God, the meaning of male and female, how did we fall and what is God’s answer.  The book contains 50 chapters and yet the final 38 chapters focus on a family – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Pastor Randles ties these themes together in this simple teaching which follows the thread which runs through Genesis and even through all of scripture – “the seed of the woman”.  This is a nutritious teaching for new and old Christians alike!


1.  Foundations – Genesis 1-12                              12.  Separation and War – Genesis 13-14                                                                     

2.  Rest, Man, Freedom, Work &                             13.  The Covenant – Genesis 15                                                

      Marriage – Genesis 2                                         14.  Ishmael & Isaac – Genesis 17-19                                                 

3.  How We Fell – Genesis 3                                    15.  Isaac & Ishmael – Genesis 20-21                                        

4.  The Two Ways for Humanity – Genesis 4         16.  Rebekah, Jacob & Esau – Genesis 24-26        

5.  The Days of Noah – Genesis 4-5                       17.  Jacob’s Exile – Genesis 28-29                            

6.  The Flood Upon the World – Genesis 6           18.  How Jacob Became Israel – Genesis 32                

7.  A New World – Genesis 7-8                                19.  Simeon, Levi, Judah – Genesis 34, 35, 38                          

8.  A New Covenant With Man – Genesis 9            20.  Joseph & Jesus – Genesis 37              

9.  Table of Nations – Genesis 10                           21.  Joseph & the Gentiles – Genesis 39-40                                                  

10.  The Unfinished Tower – Genesis 11                22.  Joseph Recognized by His Brothers – Genesis 42-50

11.  The Meaning of Abraham – Genesis 12          23.  The Prophecy of Jacob – Genesis 49